What we photographers will do…

Sometimes my job as photographer is very glamorous. I get dressed up and photograph black tie events with distinguished guests such as Henry Kissinger, Shimon Perez, President Bill Clinton, his Holiness the Dalai Lama, Dr. Maya Angelou, etcetera. Then there are the other photography sessions – the ones that are, shall we say,  a bit less glamorous. For those, […]

Alligator Bread

I’m a bread lover: sourdough, rye, wheat, multi-grain, anything but doughy lifeless plain white bread – the heartier the better. I thank my mother for that. She never once packed my lunch box with a white bread sandwich. Unlike all the other kids at my elementary school in the late 60’s and early 70’s, my sandwiches […]

Sacred Datura

SACRED DATURA is a night-blooming perennial plant which grows wild throughout Mexico and the southwestern portion of United States. It produces large white flowers and blooms through the summer on plants which can reach three feet tall, then generates thorny seed pods which open when fully ripe. It is also referred to as Jimson Weed, Indian Apple and […]

“Black Lighting” for Moths

I recently had the pleasure of “black lighting” with some entomologists and botanists in Gardner Canyon, southeast of Tucson in the Santa Rita Mountains. While it was still light they set up a white scrim to which the moths and other insects would be attracted, and then set up black lights powered by generators on either […]

Walter Cronkite

Yesterday the world lost he who was considered the most trusted name in broadcast journalism: Walter Cronkite. Though serious journalism seems to be a thing of the past in the wake of today’s new “commentary” style delivery of the news, we who grew up in the era where news was broadcast without any personal opinion […]

Synchronized Swimming

This week my home town of Tucson, Arizona is hosting the U.S. Open Sychronized Swimming Competition, which makes me think of this photo I created of some wanna-be competitors out at Agua Caliente Park. They’ve got good form, sychronization & even a nice overall design element … on a 10.0 scoring scale I give them a 9.85!